baiter|baiters in English


['bait·er || 'beɪtə(r)]

trapper; oppressor, persecuto

Use "baiter|baiters" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "baiter|baiters" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "baiter|baiters", or refer to the context using the word "baiter|baiters" in the English Dictionary.

1. Julius Streicher , the Jew - baiter of Nuremberg , was there.

2. He says that they need protection against baiters who try to dig up the sets.

3. Watchful conservationists will make sure that baiters who've decimated the local badger population won't get their hands on these as well.

4. Bailiffwick Bailiwick Baillie Bailment Bailor Bailpiece Baily's beads Bain Bain-marie Bairam Bairn Baisemains Bait Bait bug Baiter baiting Baize Bajocco Bake baked Bakehouse Bakelite Bakemeat Baken Baker Baker foot Baker's itch Baker's salt Baker-legged Bakery Baking Baking powder Bakingly Bakistre Baksheesh bakshis bakshish